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Choose Grade to Browse Standards


1. Soil and Its Importance

2. Effect of Forces

3. Reading Measuring Devices

4. Simple Machines

5. Ecosystems

6. Life Cycles of Plants and Animals

7. Inherited Traits

8. Behaviors and Structures of Animals

9. Push and Pull Forces

10. Ecosystems 2


  1. Local, State and National Government Officials

  2. Civic Responsibility

  3. Directions on a Map

  4. Learning Some Things about Other States

  5. Ways of Earning, Spending, Saving, Donating

  6. Identify People Who were Inventors or Started New Businesses

  7. Timelines (Years, Decades, Centuries)

  8. Meeting Community Needs, Past, Present and Future

  9. Non-Profits and Civic Organizations

  10. Government Employees including First Responders and Educators


  1. Distinguish the literal meaning of words. 3.V.5

  2. Answer questions about key details in a text. 3.RC.2.RF

  3. Summarize multi-paragraph texts, providing key details to demonstrate understanding of the central message. 3.RC.3.RF

  4. Generate synonyms and antonyms for common nouns. 3.V.3

  5. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support specific points in a text. 3.RC.13.RI

  6. Use context clues to identify the meaning of words. 3.V.2

  7. Describe how characters respond to major events. 3.RC.7.RL

  8. Produce clear and coherent writing, using precise language and grade-appropriate conventions. 3.W.4.P

  9. Summarize multi-paragraph texts, providing key details to demonstrate understanding of the central message. 3.RC.3.RF

  10. Use relevant, descriptive details to orally report on a topic. 3.CC.3.P


  1. Identify the value of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones place in a four-digit number.  3.NPV.2

  2. Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units.  3.GM.8

  3. Determine the unknown whole number in a division equation.  3.CAR.8

  4. Find the area of a rectangle with whole number side lengths.  3.GM.6

  5. Decompose and compose a non-unit fraction a/b as the quantity formed by the sum of unit fractions.  3.NPV.10

  6. Use computational fluency to add and subtract three-digit numbers.  3.CAR.1

  7. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.  3.GM.11

  8. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.  3.CAR.3

  9. Solve real-world problems using multiplication and division within 100 involving arrays.  3.CAR.6

  10. Solve two-step real-word situations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  3.CAR.7

Covering All the Subjects

ELAR, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Algebra and More

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